


OnWatch™ is a free, digital, survivor-led training that empowers users to spot, report, and prevent domestic sex trafficking. OnWatch™ is dedicated to raising survivor identification above the one percent average from 2018 and protecting future generations from victimization.  


OnWatch™ is unique compared to other awareness trainings, as it focuses on what trafficking looks like in the United States (e.g., 42% of victims are trafficked by a family member) and includes the real stories of trafficking survivors, many of whom consulted on the training.    


At its core, OnWatch™ is a general community training and therefore has a broad target audience. With that, OnWatch™ targets three professional demographics: public schools, corporations, and volunteer organizations. Each group has a specific audience we can engage with to increase awareness and impact in the fight against sex trafficking.  

Smart Defense is a holistic self-defense training program designed to educate and empower individuals to use their strength and voices. The training emphasizes the education surrounding sexual violence prevention—in addition to the martial arts techniques used for defense and escape. Participants learn important concepts like consent, boundaries, red flags, situational and bystander awareness, as well as how to properly create space to get away from an attack. 


Smart Defense educates all genders, ethnicities, incomes, and backgrounds. Approximately 50% of those who attend and complete this program are survivors of sexual assault, violence, or exploitation. Smart Defense also offers a kids’ camp that’s designed for children ages 5-10 years old.  


Women and girls gain more confidence in their ability to set healthy boundaries and physically defend themselves. Men walk away from our program having a deeper understanding of healthy masculinity and how to avoid being a bystander to sexual violence. While fighting back does not guarantee an unharmed assault, it has been proven that those who resist and fight back are far more likely to either prevent or escape an attack.

Smart Defense is a holistic self-defense training program designed to educate and empower individuals to use their strength and voices. The training emphasizes the education surrounding sexual violence prevention—in addition to the martial arts techniques used for defense and escape. Participants learn important concepts like consent, boundaries, red flags, situational and bystander awareness, as well as how to properly create space to get away from an attack. 


Smart Defense educates all genders, ethnicities, incomes, and backgrounds. Approximately 50% of those who attend and complete this program are survivors of sexual assault, violence, or exploitation. Smart Defense also offers a kids’ camp that’s designed for children ages 5-10 years old.  


Women and girls gain more confidence in their ability to set healthy boundaries and physically defend themselves. Men walk away from our program having a deeper understanding of healthy masculinity and how to avoid being a bystander to sexual violence. While fighting back does not guarantee an unharmed assault, it has been proven that those who resist and fight back are far more likely to either prevent or escape an attack.

Help Us Combat Sexual Exploitation

Help Us Combat Sexual Exploitation

Help Us Combat Sexual Exploitation

Help Us Combat Sexual Exploitation

Help Us Combat Sexual Exploitation

Help Us Combat Sexual Exploitation

Help Us Combat Sexual Exploitation

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Radically Reducing Victimization from Sexual Exploitation

Our Address

1525 West 2960 South

Logan, UT 84321

© 2024 PHASE Alliance

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Radically Reducing Victimization from Sexual Exploitation

Our Address

1525 West 2960 South

Logan, UT 84321

© 2024 PHASE Alliance

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Radically Reducing Victimization from Sexual Exploitation

Our Address

1525 West 2960 South

Logan, UT 84321

© 2024 PHASE Alliance